We would love for you to join us for worship. While we take seriously the praise and honor that we give God, you will find our Sunday morning assembly to have a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Our style of worship is simple.
Our Music: Our singing is without instrumental accompaniment. Please join us as we sing praises with our voices, a cappella style.
Communion: When Christians take the Lord's Supper, they do so in memory of Jesus. We do this every Sunday and invite all who have committed their lives to the Lord to join us in the Supper. We do not forbid anyone from participating.
Preaching: We believe that God's Word has the power to transform our lives. With this in mind, the sermons given each week focus on the Bible and how Scripture guides us in our relationship with God and in our relationships with one another.
Giving: Every Sunday we give our members an opportunity to make a financial gift. These contributions support our ministries. As our guest, your presence is all the contribution we expect.
We Pray that our worship is uplifting for you, and we invite you to be with us as often as you can.